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Body Donations to Science

NovaShare’s Body Donation Program delivers an end-to-end experience, providing donated tissue to medical and educational organizations to conduct training, research, and education - while offering a creation at no cost to the donor’s family. 

No-Cost Cremation Services


Transportation from Hospital

Donation to Science


Complimentary Cremation


Donor’s families are given the opportunity to collect the cremated remains, or our team is honored to scatter ashes at our memorial reef in the Atlantic Ocean. In most cases, cremated remains are returned to the donor's family within six months.

Your Gift to the Future

What is Body Donation?

Whole Body Donation Programs serve the instructional needs of medical students, current healthcare providers, and researchers for teaching, training, and medical advancements. Donations enable medical professionals to cultivate hands-on experience, that cannot be matched by technology or simulations. 


Body donations enable courses, procedure-training events and research studies that help health care providers to:

  • Develop or advance new therapeutic procedures

  • Save lives

  • Develop new medical devices

  • Develop new methods of treatment to lengthen and improve patients’ quality of life


First responders providing medical aid for local and regional law enforcement teams, as well as military personnel and medics, also benefit from hands-on training in the center.


The idea is not to live forever, but maybe to help another live a little longer...






NovaShare Donation, LLC

Post Office Box 637

Salisbury, North Carolina 28145

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